Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Batman of the Constitution

It is interesting to note that the biggest supporter of the liberal agenda is the Pro-2nd Amendment movement. It is the only group that is fighting for the rights of Americans to choose their own lives. When the political climate shifts (as it does quite frequently and rapidly) across the gap into conservatism liberals are at immediate risk of losing the ground gained in gay marriage, abortion, and other social agenda items. No government (left or right) wants to lose power. A conservative regime inheriting a people void of means to defend themselves will not eradicate injustices. They will simply shift to different recipients.

If the government has to tell you it is ok, then it’s not a right. If gay marriage was a right, then there would be no question about its legality. Same for abortion. In light of this, the lack of logic in the liberal agenda is exposed. They are fighting so hard to legislate “rights” instead of just living out their lives as if the rights existed. When the government that gave them their “rights” is abolished they will have no means to defend the “rights” they’ve won politically because they obliterated the ability to exercise the right to defend them.

The Pro-2nd Amendment movement is fighting against tyranny, not liberals. It is far more forward-thinking than even its strongest proponents may understand. It is the only movement that is actively supporting the advancement and protection of the agenda of its opponents. That makes it an uphill battle, all the while dragging the dead weight of those fighting against it. It is the true meaning of loving your neighbor to defend with your life their rights to speak freely and defend themselves, and to do so especially when the things they are speaking and defending go directly against your own beliefs. This often gets lost in the passion and mistaken for a simple-minded “don’t take my guns” statement when the real plea is “don’t give them your guns, you’re gonna need them.”

I do not believe that gay marriage should be legal. I do not believe that abortion should be legal. I also do not believe that either of those issues are rights. But I do, wholeheartedly, believe that those who hold opposing views should have the ability to voice their opinions and try to convince others by reason. The truth is not afraid of lies, and will ultimately prevail in all things. It is the ultimate responsibility of God to judge who is right and wrong on the matters, although I also believe that He’s been pretty clear on them so far.

The 2nd Amendment is 100% on both sides of every issue except gun control. The 2nd Amendment assures that no government, Conservative or Liberal, can by force impose its views on those who do not choose to share them. It maintains the ability to consent to be governed. It is the defender of those that hate it. It is the hero that America needs, not the one it deserves. It is the Batman of the Constitution.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day 1

Today was the first day of concealed carry. I tucked my Ruger and off I went. Nobody gave me a second glance. I assume this will be the majority of my carry experiences.

Some background: I grew up in California, in a small mountain town. Guns were common. I went to church. I believe in Jesus of the bible. I believe that God made America as a unique place. I am a Christian, a husband and father, and an American. In that order.

This is my first time in the blogosphere. It will get lost in the hubbub and buried beneath the more popular, the sensational, and the vapid. But I am determined to chronicle my experiences being a man of faith and a gun owner.

I recently acquired my first handgun. It is a full-sized pistol, the Ruger P95DC 9mm. I have practiced concealing and drawing quite a bit in my home, and I have found that both are difficult to do correctly. I am looking for training in both.

I am relatively new to the handgun world, so I hope that you will learn with me. I will share the things that I find interesting about the lifestyle, as well as my musings and thoughts.